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With a new curriculum being introduced, education in Wales is changing.

Ysgol y Creuddyn is committed to introduce the curriculum from September 2023 onwards.

  • September 2023: Years 7 and 8.
  • September 2024: Year 9.
  • September 2025: Year 10.
  • September 2026: Year 11.

Dawn, Dysg, Daioni

Our curriculum will be based on 'Dawn, Dysg, Daioni' ('Talent, Learning, Well-being'), which is our school motto and vision.

The curriculum was developed in partnership with all our stakeholders. This included:

  • On-going discussions between staff members;
  • Meetings with the local primary cluster;
  • Seeking the opinion of learners through the school council;
  • Meetings of the full governing body;
  • An opportunity for parents to give their opinion in questionnaires and after-school meetings.
Dawn - Dysgu - Daioni Poster explination

The Four Purposes

The heart of the new curriculum is the four purposes:

Your school is supporting your child to be:

  • an ambitious, capable learner, ready to learn throughout their life
  • an enterpirising, creative contributor, readu to play a full part in life and work
  • an ethical, informed citizen, ready to take part in Wales and the world, and a
  • a healthy, confident individual, ready to lead a fulfillinf life as a valued member of society

These are called the four purposes of the curriculum.

During our trial period between September 2022 and July 2023, the following experiences were provided for year 7 for them to start reflecting the four purposes.


Areas of Learning and Experience

The new curriciulum is divided into six different areas of learning and experience.

Year 7 Map

For September 2024, here is a summary of the content of the lessons for years 7.

Year 7 Map

Year 8 Map

For September 2024, here is a summary of the content of the lessons for year 8.

Year 8 Map

Year 9 Map

For September 2024, here is a summary of the content of the lessons for year 9.

Year 8 Map


In the new curriculum, there is freedom for each school to decide on its own assessment arrangements. At Ysgol y Creuddyn, here are the principles of our assessment system:

  • We use a wide band (1 to 200) to measure attainment. This avoids using labels that are too wide, and gives us the best chance of being able to measure progress.
  • We measure progress across years, not within a single year.
  • We use the No More Marking system to identify, for each Area of Learning and Experience, an attainment band for each year.
  • We map individual subject assessments to the attainment band, using a system similar to the one used at A Level (map raw marks to the Uniform Marks Scale (UMS)).

You can learn more about our assessment system by reading this blog by our head of mathematics and numeracy.


During the transition period from year 6 to year 7, the school will collect data from our feeder primary schools, and administer a series of on-entry assessments, including the national numeracy and reading tests, and the CAT4 test by GL Assessment.


The school will constantly evaluate the effectiveness of its new curriculum, making changes as needed.

  • A number of workbooks end with a short learner questionnaire to provide feedback on the completed work.
  • Our assessment system has been designed to respond to teachers' changing needs in terms of collecting attainment data from year to year.
  • Provide opportunities for parents to provide their feedback through on-line questionnaires.
  • Regular departmental meetings will provide time to refine teaching materials.

Dawn Dysg Daioni